Reference Projects
Below you will find a selection of representative reference projects.
Defending an international life science company in a European Commission cartel investigation.
Defence of a European manufacturer of components for the automotive, industrial, public transport and household appliances sectors in a European Commission cartel investigation, and subsequently coordination of the defence against follow-on damage claims in and outside the EU.
Representation of a feed phosphate manufacturer in a European Commission leniency and settlement procedure.
Representation of a European carbonless paper manufacturer in a European Commission cartel procedure.
Representation of a European engineering company as a third-party in a European Commission phase-two merger control procedure concerning railway equipment.
Various legal opinions on the likely consequences of an introduction of state aid control in Switzerland, with a particular focus on the energy and financial services sectors.
Advice on the compatibility of COVID support measures with EU state aid law, the Swiss-EU Air Transport Agreement and the Swiss Federal Aviation Act.
Compliance advice for various European industry associations.
Advice on EU market access issues for non-EU banks.