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Simon Hirsbrunner advises clients on European, Swiss and German competition law, EU state aid law, merger control and general EU law. Due to his extensive practical experience, which he has gained in numerous proceedings before the European Commission, the EU courts and national authorities, he can swiftly analyse complex issues, realistically assess possible legal risks and develop tailor-made, practical solutions for his clients.

Given his Swiss background and former activity as an officer in the Swiss administration and the European Commission, he is familiar with the inner workings of the Swiss and EU institutions. He follows closely new developments in Swiss-EU bilateral relations and regularly advises Swiss clients on EU market access issues. He advises on novel legal issues of relevance to Swiss-EU relations, and regularly analyses the compatibility of Swiss regulations with EU law, especially in the fields of banking, energy, air transport and state aid.

Simon Hirsbrunner is a dual-qualified Swiss and German lawyer. He is also registered at the Brussels bar as an EU lawyer. He has been active as a lawyer in Brussels since 1997. Prior to that, he was employed in various positions in public administration, including as case-handler in the former Merger Task Force of the European Commission and as academic collaborator in the European law unit of the Swiss Federal Office of Justice.


Born in Bern, Switzerland, studied at the University of Geneva (Batchelor degree in Law), the University of Exeter, UK (LL.M), the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium (Diploma of Advanced European Studies), successfully completed the bar exam in Bern, admission as German lawyer.


German (mother tongue), English, French and Italian.